Linda Ann Zuvich, the creator of the Quasi-Cozy Martian Mystery series, is a native of New Jersey. However, at eighteen she left home and moved to Idaho, followed by Utah, Nevada, Utah again, and finally Washington, with a short stint in North Carolina somewhere along the way.
She began writing as a child, penning poems, songs, and short stories, but she was soon sidetracked with earning degrees in physics, computer science, and software engineering and taking on various jobs to fund her education addiction, including convenience store clerk, donut fryer, field hand, fiber optics engineer, x-ray R&D project manager, and computer science professor, not necessarily in that order.
In 2022, as the pandemic was sinking under the weight of public opinion, Linda took early retirement and picked up writing again. The result is her Quasi-Cozy Martian Mystery series, with Murder on the Way to Mars being the first novel in the series.
When Linda’s not writing, you can find her playing guitar, gardening, writing computer programs, or just enjoying early retirement with her spouse and their furry companions (currently one dog, one cat, and four goats) in western Washington.